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《蜀道难》        Ode to Hard Roads to Sichuan

     李 白                        by Li Bai

噫,                              Oh!

吁唏,                        Ah! Yeah!

危乎高哉!                  How dangerous heights these are!

蜀道之难难于上青天! The road to Shu is harder than scaling the sky afar![1]

蚕丛及鱼凫,              Can Cong and Yu Fu of ancient dates[2]

开国何茫然。              Were kings of the land with frontiers

尔来四万八千岁,       Blocked off from neighboring states

始与秦塞通人烟。[3]   For thousands upon thousands of years.[4]

西当太白有鸟道,[5]   To the west stands the Great Taibai the mountain high,

可以横绝峨眉巅。        Through which up to the crest of Emei birds can fly.

地崩山摧壮士死,[6]    Under the crumbled peak the five brave warriors died,[7]

然后天梯石栈方钩连。  Then the ladder to heaven hooked the stone-wood bridge’s side.

上有六龙回日之高标,   Above the six-dragon cart finds the peak stand in the way,[8]

下有冲波逆折之回川。   Below is the zigzaging river with torrents roaring all day.

黄鹤之飞尚不得过,       Frustrated in crossing the mount is the yellow crane,

猿猱欲度愁攀援。         Apes and monkeys try climbing the heights in vain.

青泥何盘盘,[9]            How twists and turns this path around the Mount Green Clay,

百步九折萦岩峦,         It bends nine times within a hundred steps on the rocky way.

扪参历井仰胁息,         Breathless, nearly touching stars, Shen and Jing, in the sky,

以手抚膺坐长叹。         I now sit down, hands on my chest, heaving a long, long sigh.

问君西游何时还?         If asked “when will you return from the travel in the west?”

畏途巉岩不可攀。         I’d answer “Oh! This craggy path is too challenging a test.”

但见悲鸟号古木,         One can only see birds sadly call among the ancient trees,

雄飞雌从绕林间;         Males followed by females flying in circles without cease.

又闻子规啼,               The heart-broken yearning of cuckoos attacks my ears,[10]

夜月愁空山。               The night moon fills the empty vales with grief and tears.

蜀道之难难于上青天!  Oh, the road to Shu is as hard as the blue sky to scale!

使人听此凋朱颜。         On hearing this one would turn his rosy face pale!

连峰去天不盈尺,         There is less than a foot from peaks to heaven on high,

枯松倒挂倚绝壁。         From cliffs hanging the head-down pines old and dry.

飞湍瀑流争喧豗,[11]   Plunging waterfalls giving competitive roars and shocks,

砯崖转石万壑雷。         Myriad chasms echo thunders from torrents against rocks.

其险也如此!                Alas! What really dangerous sites!

嗟尔远道之人,             Why you, stranger from afar, one mocks,

胡为乎来哉?                Should have come to these heights?

剑阁峥嵘而崔嵬,         The pass Sword-Tower! How strong with power!

一夫当关,                   If one guards it with a lance,

万夫莫开;                   Thousand have not a chance!

所守或匪亲,                If he is not a loyal guard,

化为狼与豺,                He becomes a wolf and pard,

朝避猛虎,                   Like a morning tiger you avoid and fear,

夕避长蛇,                   Like evening snakes that silently appear;

磨牙吮血,                  With teeth and fangs, in blood so cold,

杀人如麻。                  People they kill are terribly untold[12].

锦城虽云乐,              Oh, City of Brocade, though paradise of pleasure,[13]

不如早还家。              Adieu! I’d rather go home as a security measure.

蜀道之难难于上青天, Ah! The road to Shu is harder than scaling the skies!

侧身西望常咨嗟。         Turning head looking west I heave long, long sighs!






李白的《蜀道难》乃千古名篇,其最难传达者(也是大半不可译者)是其音乐结构及音乐效果。《蜀道难》是一种古乐府曲名,属《相和歌·瑟调曲》,古代诗人常用来描写蜀地道路的艰难。李白将此曲推到登峰造极的地步。它具有乐府传统的无拘无束的吟唱风味,有时用韵奇险,从一韵到另外一韵的转换常常令人惊诧!这样的语音审美结构当然很符合李白所要营造的豪放效果及波谲云诡乃至酣畅淋漓的气势。原作韵式为AABC DCEC FCAC FCGC CCAC CCHC ACCC AAII AJBI CBJB DKKL MLCL。从第1行到第28行,基本上是一元韵式,阳性音/an/音成为主旋律,非常响亮,有紧迫感,一气贯注,让人似乎喘不过起来。但从第29行起,换韵,照应第一、二行的/i/韵,构成第一个韵律大回环。紧接着下述几节,节节换韵,至诗尾时,已经换韵七次,令人简直有张皇失措的感觉。但打动读者的,恰恰是这种近乎直白、用韵变幻的特殊效果。它使太白显得在这天险蜀道之前,因急于表达其对蜀道险峻的感受而顾不上诗句是否整齐、韵律是否合撤,几乎有点语无伦次。而这刚好是其特殊魅力之所在。原作的这种韵式其实不难模仿,但是其迂缓与短促相间的节奏及具体的音韵效果却多半是不可译因素,基本上无法传输。针对这种情况,我的译诗在前半部未采用一元韵式,因为像原作那样大面积地采用一个韵,会在英语中产生太明显的顺口溜效果。为此,我改用西诗惯常有的多元韵式,且常常用英雄双行体韵式。具体如下式:ABBB CDCD EEFF GGHH IIEE JJKK LLEE EELL MLMN OOPP VVWW YYZZ。全诗换韵达20多次!中间的N式其实是内韵(The pass Sword-Tower! How strong with power!)


How dangerous heights these are!

The road to Shu is harder than scaling the sky afar!

为什么用the sky afar(遥天)?因为当诗人最初目睹蜀道时,应该是在离山峰稍远的地方,故缀以afar一词。此词韵味响亮,与上行末的are相押,有比较好的效果。“青天”可译the blue sky。但考量整体得失,如音节需要,不如扔掉blue而增afar更好,何况blue一词尚有机会在别的地方用来修饰sky。

Oh, the road to Shu is as hard as the blue sky to scale!

On hearing this one would turn his rosy face pale!


Ah! The road to Shu is harder than scaling the skies!

Turning head looking west I heave long, long sighs!

为什么改单数sky为复数skies?如前文所述,太白此诗结语沉痛悲凉,故在措辞上须小心收拾。复数skies可暗示阴云四合的天。这与诗人“侧身西望常咨嗟”的“咨嗟”意象是联系在一起的。同理,sigh的单数、复数用法也经过斟酌。前文有“长叹”(heaving a long, long sigh),但此处是“常咨嗟”,说明叹息连连不断,故宜用复数sighs ( heave long, long sighs).


If one guards the path,

Thousand cannot pass!

也可以。但是path和pass毕竟不是全韵(结尾辅音不同),而是imperfect rime,即欠工稳的韵。经斟酌,译成:If one guards it with a lance,

Thousand have not a chance!

这样押韵,就比较响亮、工稳。Not a chance是“没门儿”的意思,略带谐谑味,可增添诗味。又,中国人喜用“万”表达较大的数目(如“万夫”),英语中却多用“千”(thousand)来表达,应为英语中没有单独的表达“万”的单词,非要表达“万”,只能用ten thousand(十千)两个单词复合来表达这个意思。因此,这儿用thousand来翻译“万”,虽然数有不合,而实际含义(很多很多,多极了)却是符合双方的深层文化结构的。当然,英语还有million (百万)可表更大的数,但此处译“万”为million,未免夸张过度。

又如“所守或匪亲,化为狼与豺”,译作If he is not a loyal guard, / He becomes a wolf and pard时,我也比较注意让译文在音节和音韵的处理上具有警句味。

个别地方,我采用了意译。比如“始与秦塞通人烟”中的“秦”字未译,而改用neighboring states(邻国),似乎更合理。“四万八千岁”也未直译作forty-eight thousand years,而采用重复thousands这个单词的办法来营造古远的意味:for thousands of thousands of years.





[1] Shu: 蜀, the ancient name of Sichuan province. The road to Shu: 蜀道, usually referring to roads to Sichuan from Shaanxi province.

[2] Can Cong and Yu Fu: 蚕丛及鱼凫, names of two legendary kings of Shu, the ancient country.

[3] 秦塞: 秦地。古代蜀国本与中原不通,至秦惠王灭蜀,开始与中原相通。此处亦可理解为广义的外邦、邻国。故“秦字英译作neighboring states。

[4] thousands of thousands of years: the original is 四万八千岁(forty-eight thousand years).

[5] 太白:山名,秦岭主峰,在今陕西省周至一带。

[6] 据《华阳国志·蜀志》记载的一个神话说:秦惠王许嫁五个女子给蜀王,五个力士去迎接,在返回途中,遇见一条大蛇钻进山洞。五力士扯住蛇尾,用力一拉,山倾峰陷。五个力士与五个女子都被压死,山即分为山岭,从此秦、蜀两地才能交通。

[7] A legend in Record of Shu in Records of Huanyang Countries says that a king Hui of Qin dynasty promised the king of Shu five young women for marriage. There were five brave warriors sent out to meet and escort the young women. On the way back, they encountered a huge snake; while they tried to drag the snake out of the cave, the mountains suddenly crumbled and all the warriors including five women met death. The crumbled mountain thus makes it possible for the people of Qin and Shu to communicate with each other.

[8] the six-dragon cart:It is told of a tale that the god of sun sitting in a cart driven by six dragons has to turn back when reaching the peak here which is too high.

[9] the Mount Green Clay: 青泥, the name of the mount.

[10] 子规:鸟名,又称杜宇、杜鹃。叫的声音好似在说:“不如归去”。The calling of cuckoos sounds like “不如归去” (I’d rather go home) in Chinese, thus provokes in the heart of Chinese poet a homesick longing or nostalgia. 又,此处的“又闻子规啼,夜月愁空山”二行诗,坊间所见诸版本多点读为:“又闻子规啼夜月,愁空山。”中有一三言句子。清人吴昌祺《删订唐诗解》、钱良择《唐音审体》点作五言句:“又闻子规啼,夜月愁空山。” 此种点读法颇赢得施蛰存先生的赞同。他认为“愁空山”不成句。徐增在编撰《而庵说唐诗》时走中间道路,根本就不断句:“又闻子规啼夜月愁空山。”我经过反复思考,决定采用吴、钱二先生的点读法,点作二行五言句。特注。

[11] 喧豗:轰响声。

[12] untold: too many.

[13] City of Brocade: 锦城, also named 锦官城, now the city of Chengdu.




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